Thursday, February 16, 2012

"An0ther Mag" to Inspire The Fashion Blogger

Alas! Another great discovery via internet. I'm currently in the process of acquiring this beautiful publication. I love the Alexander McQueen piece by Catherine Sullivan. It certainly transports you to at least a sample of the nightmares and hauntings of McQueen, which in turn became his greatest work.


Obviously, i've been MIA for sometime now...I finally graduated from the wretched insane asylum called High School, but even after I suppose my spirit needed a vacation from being continuously crushed for five days a week. This so called "vacation" mostly just consists of me developing the sleep patterns of a vampire (with help from the furry black beast which is my cat), wandering the streets at all hours of the night (in hopes of knowing more of this small city although it's starting to seem impossible because there isn't much of it I haven't seen), and being seventeen for as long as I can. I wonder what i'll regret doing or not doing later on...? But for now that's not something I suppose I should think about.
